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8 Financial Tips for College Students 

Take control, and be responsible -  You should work out a plan with them for shifting your other expenses to your control. You need to have a solid, well-thought-out financial strategy in place from Day One. 

Create a budget -  When you feel the urge to spend impulsively, particularly on something that you don’t really need, go back and check the budget. Let it be your guide and master. 

Get organized -  Set up your financial structure. Make sure that you have a dependable method that works for you and allows you access to your money at all times. 

Keep track -  By keeping careful records of what you’ve paid out and what you have left in your account(s) to cover the remainder of your monthly expenses, you’ll soon have a very clear picture of your financial situation. 

Use credit wisely -  remember that a credit card is a loan, not free money. This means that any balance you carry will have to be repaid. To use credit wisely. 

Don't buy new -  There is no need to purchase a new textbook if you can find a used one for a much-reduced price. 

Protect yourself -  Be particular when it comes to your money. Don’t leave cash lying around. Be careful about identity theft, especially if you shop or bank online. 

Entertain a budget -  Set limits on your spending for nights out and dates, and don’t be intimidated into believing that you have to prove anything by the amount of money you shower on your friends. 

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