7 Better Ways to Make and Study Flash Cards

Make Your Own Flash Card

You’ll serve your brain better by making your own flash cards.

Mix Pictures and Word

Adding pictures to your cards can make them a lot more memorable. 

Use Mnemonic Devices to Create Mental Connection

Mnemonic devices is anything that helps you build an association between two pieces of information in your mind. 

Write Only One Question Per Card

By including multiple facts on one card, you’re more likely to run into illusions of competence. 

Break Complex Concepts Into Multiple Question

Some concepts or ideas are too complex to be encapsulated in one question. These kinds of concepts need to be broken down.

Say Your Answers Out Loud

This is yet another way to keep those illusions of competence at bay, as there was no way to fudge the answers. 

Study Your Flash Cards in Both Direction

By Studying flash card in both directions your going to build strong neural pathways that can be traced easily in both directions.  

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