7 Ways to Reduce Stress for College Students!

Practice Mindfulne

Mindfulness is about living in the moment. When you regularly practice this form of meditation, it may provide mental health benefits. 


It can be hard to find time to exercise when you’re cramming for tests. But not only is exercise key to improving your mood, it might even boost your brain function. 

Enjoy an At-Home Spa

 Create your own soothing face mask by mixing two tablespoons raw sugar with one tablespoon coconut oil. Let it sit on your face for five minutes, then scrub for 30 seconds and rinse off. 

Get Creative 

 Start that creative project you’ve been dreaming about. Remember, creativity isn’t about perfection: It’s about expressing yourself. Give yourself permission to experiment with new forms of art, whether painting or writing a song.


Between FaceTiming with friends, taking online classes, and scrolling through Twitter, it’s harder than ever to unplug. But limiting screen time can help reduce anxiety.  

Practice Self-Compassion

Whatever you’re experiencing today (worry about the future; anxiety about your recent test scores; confusion over college decisions), practice self-compassion.

Find Support

In these stressful times, we can all benefit from the support of friends, family members, and professionals 

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