7 Tools to Stay Productive While Studying Online 

Studying at home, in particular, can make it even more difficult. Luckily, there is a solution, in the form of certain tools designed specifically to help one stay productive. 

Trello –  Staying organized - Each step of your study process must be meticulously planned out. This is the best way to ensure maximum productivity and success. 

OFFTIME –  Removing distractions - Your phone is constantly beeping, buzzing, and ringing. Therefore, the only way to really be productive is to remove these distractions while you study. 

Toggle –  Tracking study time - When studying, it is important to set certain time limitations for yourself. You don’t want to spend the entire day studying something that could have been done in two highly productive hours. 

Evernote -  Taking notes actively - Studying from home includes watching online lessons and presentations, as well as browsing the web for resources and information. 

Spotify -  Listening to focus music - Music is said to have the ability to help people stay mentally sharp. If you've never tried studying with so-called “distracting” music playing in the background, now is the time to break out those speakers. 

Google Calendar -  Sticking to a schedule - In order for you to stay productive, you need to stay organized. Another great tool that can help you do exactly that is Google Calendar. 

Skype -  Finding a study buddy - Some people prefer studying with a companion. If a study buddy is what you need to stay productive when Skype is the tool to go for. 

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