7 Success Tips for Class 12th Students

Keep on challenging yourself for doing better -  Don’t compete for your progress with others as it is only going to add to your stress, but try to beat yourself. Try to secure a bit more than what you did in your last exams and then move to your next.

Pay special attention to your weak points -  Accept the difficulty level of each subject and never categorize it into favorite or least favorite. Give equal importance to each subject and give more time to those subjects in which you think you are weak and never leave them for later.

Follow the syllabus strictly –  Do not miss any topic; Keep the weightage and syllabus of each chapter handy. Start with the question which gives lots of marks and have a strong hold on them but never leave the topics which you think are difficult or will take a lot of time to finish.

Practice From Sample Papers -  Take sufficient mock tests, solve multiple test papers to test your preparation, and go through every past year’s papers. Go through chapter-wise past year papers and solve at least one mock test every week. It will not only help you in time management, but it will also teach you in finishing the paper in due time

Practice Writing What You’re Studying -  Only memorizing isn’t sufficient. Please write what you learn until you can write it on your own and check your answers from your teacher. Read class notes and watch videos for the parts you cannot understand. Create one-page notes for revision at the last minute that covers the entire chapter.

Preparation from NCERT textbooks is the most important part -  A major part of CBSE exam papers consists of questions and topics from NCERT textbooks. Keep marking important and difficult questions, and make sure to keep a reference book along with your NCERT textbooks for instant clarification on complex topics.

Time management is very important -  Make a daily schedule that you must follow. Utilize whatever little time you get for your studies as this will help in increasing your marks considerably. Study subjects that you want to retain in memory during the morning hours when the mind is fresh. Equal time should be devoted to each subject so that every subject is covered.

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