7 simple steps to speak clearly and confidently 

Consistency is the next challenge. You can overcome both challenges if you set realistic and attainable goals. Planning huge steps will hinder you from moving forward.

How we stand or sit, influences how confident we look, and sound. It also impacts our breathing, and voice control. Do not stand super straight, as though you are at full attention.

The larynx, or the voice box, hosts your vocal cords. It is imperative that you relax your vocal cords when speaking or singing. Relaxed vocal cords help provide a resonant voice.

The mouth comprises lips , jaw , tongue. All three work in unison to produce your voice and speech. To avoid mumbling, open your mouth to the height of 2 finger space when talking.

Your eyes are important in conveying meaning. Use them to build trust and project your voice when you are talking.

If talking to an audience, sweep around the room in an orderly manner, so you maintain equal eye contact.

Lack of movement bores the audience. Too much of movement distracts the audience! Draw a fine line, and walk around the room when presenting. However : Do not MOVE when you are emphasising an important point.

People get very worried about using their hands when speaking. Do not stick your hands in your pocket, or wave them excessively! If you find your hands distracting or fidgety, chances are, your audience will feel the same.

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