7 Reasons Why Mock Tests Are Important For NEET  Exam 

One of the reasons Why mock tests are important for medical exams is that it will make you know what to expect on the day of your exam. You should attempt the mock test that is at par with the actual exam like for the NEET Exam you can attempt the sectional and full length mock tests.

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Get An Idea About The Actual Exam

You can see where you are lacking and it will help you to work on your weaknesses and flaws. And you can also revise your syllabus while attempting the mock tests. 

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Analyze Your Performance and Preparation

Another reason Why mock tests are important for medical exams is that you can try and test the various strategies you know and get to know which one will work for you.

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Try and Test Multiple Strategies

As mentioned above, the time for the exam is limited and you should decide how to divide your time. So when you are attempting a mock test, it will give you an idea about how much time is required per section.

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How To Use Your Time Efficiently

Working on the mock tests will be really helpful because you will get to know you weaknesses and you can work on them before the actual exam day.  

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Know And Work On Your Weaknesses

One of the most important reasons Why mock tests are important for medical exams is that it will help you deal with the pre-exam nervousness and will make you more confident.

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Makes You A Bit More Confident

You can keep a score on your mock tests marks, from the time you started to solve them and keep a track of it. It will help you know how much you have improved or have fallen short on a certain occasion.

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Helps You In Keeping a Track Of The Process