7 Practical Steps to Study Long Hours Without Getting Tired

Incorporating Effective Hours -  Everyone wants that little edge that can put them ahead of others. One such area is to incorporate more effective hours into your study program.

Prioritize your schedule -  Take up the inappropriate material in the forenoon when you’re at your best, energy-wise.

Exercise -  As far as academics are concerned, physical activity boosts learning ability and long-term memory, and controls anxiety and depression.

Steal a nap -  Steal a nap in the afternoon, and you’ll be in a better position to handle your next session.

Eat to maintain energy levels -  Although your brain constitutes just 2 percent of your body weight, it guzzles 20 percent of your daily energy intake.

Conserve your mental energy -  It’s important not to dissipate your energy by letting your mind wander into debilitating, irrelevant thoughts.

Take regular breaks -  You should take breaks for two reasons. It not only relaxes you but also restores your waning concentration.

If possible, study/ work in daylight -  Research has shown that studying/ working in daylight makes you less drowsy, and more alert in the afternoon, thereby increasing your productivity or adding more hours to your schedule.

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