Know the exam pattern The very first step that students should take is to be completely familiar with the exam pattern. They must analyze the exam pattern properly and plan a strategy to prepare for the final examination.
Follow an exam strategy After knowing the exam pattern of maths exam, the next thing that students must do is to make a well-planned preparation strategy according to the exam pattern.
Utilize the first 15 minutes of the exam effectively One of the best things about CBSE board is that it offers 15 minutes reading time to every student before they start writing the examination.
Don’t be afraid of tough question While going through the CBSE board maths question paper, students can come across some questions that seem to be complex or tough.
Understand the importance of each problem While writing the maths question paper, students must know clearly how much marks a question carries and how much time it will take to solve the question.
Maintain proper speed and accuracy One of the best ways to develop speed and accuracy is by solving CBSE class 10 sample papers for maths and previous year question papers during the time of preparation. During the time of the exam, students must not get confused between two dissimilar topics.
Always keep track of time Students are suggested to always keep an eye on their watch, as it will help them to keep a track of the time and the questions left to solve.