7 Habits of Highly Effective Students 

Having success habits will turn you from a struggling student to a highly effective student also, these habits can push you to become not an average B student but an excellent A+ student. 

Having a Study Plan -  Successful students have a clear plan for their studies and with a clear road map, they don't get confused and feel bored. 

Staying Well-Organized -  If you search for successful people, you'll realize that every one of them lives an organized life. 

Managing Your Time -  This is really crucial. If you want to have time for everything, you need to figure out how to make everything fit into your schedule. 

Ignoring Distractions -  When you clear your mind about a specific goal, ignoring distractions becomes an easy thing to manage. 

Studying Smart -  You can take a look at the chapter before you go to the class lecture about it. It helps you to understand the lecture well and also helps you to remember the key points faster when you study at home. 

Focusing One Thing At a Time -  Focusing one lesson at a time and reading and studying all notes about one specific lesson will give you better results. 

Resting Your Mind -  Resting your mind is also a way of smart study method. If you study tirelessly and don’t take time out to relax and destress, you'll probably burn out and give up early. 

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