7 Expert Tips on How to Write a Killer Resume 

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Choose a professional, yet eye-catching design for your resume using pre-designed templates. - What is your USP defines what kind of job you can get. The uniqueness of your personality cannot be depicted by similar-looking CVs.

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Format your resume in reverse-chronological order or with the most important detail on top. - Sadly, you’re not the only one vying for your dream position. There are thousands of other job applicants whose resumes are in the hands of hiring managers. So the first few parts of your resume are extremely crucial. They can either make or break your dream.

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Beat the resume bots and algorithms through SEO-friendly content - Huge companies do not have time to scan through hundreds of resumes every day. So they have bots to do it for them. Unfortunately, bots only filter resume based on keywords while eliminating badly written resumes.

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Create a resume that is coherent with the job you’re applying for - Okay, so this is where most job seekers usually stumble. Just because you’re too good at something, doesn’t mean a company will hire you for it. For example

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Walk the talk rather than just narrate them in your resume. - Some things are better shown than written. Companies don’t like lengthy resumes, especially if you’re just bragging about all your successes there. So save the rest of your skills when you’re finally hired.

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Be selective with the skillset, experience, and other information that you’re going to put in your resume. - As I said before, there are skills that you need to prioritize and let go of. The criteria depend on the position you’re applying for.

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Add an intriguing tagline to your resume. - Last but not least is to place an interesting tagline about yourself. This will serve as an elevator pitch about why you’re the best candidate for the job.

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