6 Ways to Gain a Competitive Advantage in Your Career

Maintain your skill There is always room to improve upon your skillset or learn about innovations being made in your field. Be eager to master your skills and then go beyond. If you continually learn the newest, cutting-edge skill sets or technologies, you’ll find that you quickly become the go-to person and will be viewed as the expert in your workplace. This can rapidly give you a competitive advantage over others.

Add Value to the Company   What you do increases the bottom line for the organization. Also, identify which of your responsibilities provide the most value to the organization. Make sure those high-value activities are your top priority and go the extra mile in your performance. This assessment of your responsibilities will also allow you to see what additional skills you can develop that will further enhance this value.

Develop new skills  Expanding your existing skills and developing new ones will make you more valuable to your company. In today’s world, companies are adopting new technologies and trends at a rapid pace. Read up on the latest trends and technologies in your industry and be willing to take on new responsibilities and try out new technologies to remain competitive. You can also improve your knowledge and skills by attending classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences.

   Improve interpersonal skills  Hard skills are, obviously, essential for your job, but what truly gives you an advantage over others is your mastery of interpersonal skills. Your ability to work as part of a team and get along well with others is just as important, if not more important, than your mastery of hard skills. Some of the top ones to focus on are:

Communicate effectively  Your ability to communicate effectively can increase your significance in an organization. For example, if you can explain the needs of a project clearly and succinctly so that the recipient understands fully in the first email, you will get results more quickly.

Exceed expectation When you go above and beyond in your work, others will notice. When you go beyond what others are doing or are willing to do, you will stand out to management and achieve a competitive edge and, most likely, see more rapid advancement in your career.

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