6 SAT Math Skills to Master 

Know What Math You’ll Be Tested  On -  It’s hard to do well on a test if you don’t know what subjects it’ll test you on. Depending on your school and the types of math classes you’ve taken. 

Memorize Common Formulas and Math Facts -  If you're flipping to the front of the section every time you need to look up a formula, you’ll be wasting valuable time. It's best to have all the formulas memorized before exam day. 

Learn From Your Mistakes -  It’s not enough to work your way through dozens, or even hundreds of practice problems. Afterward, you need to analyze each of the questions you answered. 

Focus Your Studying on Areas You Struggle the Most In -  The most effective way to study is not to just review all the material you can; it’s to target your studying so you’re spending the most time on the areas where you need the most improvement. 

Underline Key Parts of the  Question -  For every question, underline what you need to find in the question so you don’t get confused during the calculation process. 

Show Your Work -  If you’ve been in any math class, you are probably familiar with the much-repeated math teacher mantra: show your work. 

Know When to Put the Calculator Down -  If you start trying to solve a question using a complicated computer program, know that you're probably making the problem harder than it needs to be. 

Eliminate 3 Wrong Answers -  The most important rule to remember for SAT Math is that there is only one correct answer for each question; the other three answer choices are irrefutably wrong. 

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