6 Examples of SMART Goals for College Students 

Dedicate One Hour Per Week to Career Development -  Setting aside time to focus on your career is invaluable. The time allotment might increase depending on your year.

Small commitment -  While one hour per week is a small commitment, these consistent steps will help you guide your decision-making and gain valuable insights for landing a post-grad job.

Set a Budget -  Set a weekend spending limit, i.e., only spend $200 on going out to eat or bars Friday-Sunday. Stick with it, even on game day weekends! Cap your monthly online shopping. Don’t forget to include all websites you frequent, Amazon Prime; we’re looking at you!

Find an Internship -  Internships can help you test out different career paths, job duties, and positions, as well as build your resume. While you might opt for the paid alternative of part-time jobs, don’t sleep on unpaid internships, these often provide the best experience.

Limit Your Unnecessary Screen  Time -  This is one of the easiest examples of SMART goals for college students. We all understand the drawbacks of too much phone or social media time.

For example, if your goal is to spend three hours less on social media per week, you can check out a graph that compares your average time to confirm you’ve hit the mark.

Read Non-School-Related Books -  Reading for pleasure is incredibly beneficial, it reduces stress, improves your memory, and increases empathy. Fiction books can give your mind a break from studies and worries.

Create (and Keep) a Self-Care Routine -  Creating a self-care routine is one of our favorite examples of SMART goals for college students because it accomplishes many things.

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