6 Effective Tips for Time Management During Revisions 

Chalk out a revision plan:  The first step to proceed with your revision is to make a revision plan. If you start revision without a plan, you might get lost. Scan the index of your syllabus and check the number of hours you have. Try not to draw a detailed plan so that there is space for minor changes in your schedule. A flexible plan prevents panic when you cannot strictly adhere to your schedule.  

Create a study space:  Creating a study space often helps students focus on their studies because it creates a boundary between revision and other activities. Your study space can get you in the zone. Ensure the space is relatively away from the rest of the household activities and free from traffic noise and other disturbances. You can add personalizations to your study space so that you like staying there for long hours.  

Prioritize important topics:   When there is limited time; priorities have to be set right at the beginning. You can start by organizing your syllabus and prioritizing the important topics. Revising the important topics from the point of view of the examination will help you gain confidence while preparing.

Take Breaks  Studying for long hours can be monotonous and tiring. After a certain time, the brain freezes and stops recording information. It is important to take breaks in between during revision. This is an important time management skill as breaks refreshes your mind and your ability to study during revision. It is advised to engage yourself in some physical activity so that the mind gets some rest. You can go for a walk or do a quick workout routine and return to your revision.  

Avoid Distractions  A very useful mindfulness technique called noting helps individuals to bring their attention back to the task at hand when their mind wanders. Alternatively, you can reduce the number of environmental distractions by creating boundaries around your study time and place. For example, you can put your mobile phone on silent mode or lock your room while you study. 

Check Your Progress:  It is useful to exclude the topics you know and focus on the ones you do not know. Self-assessment and checking your progress is the best way to find out your knowledge about various topics. By self-checking, you can get some reassurance before your exam and save a lot of time. It can also help you to understand your weaknesses and flaws in your revision.  

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