How To Make Notes For UPSC Current Affairs 

While making current affairs notes, leave some blank space in between 

 while making current affairs notes, keep in mind that while writing the main points one after the other, leave some blank space in between, so that if you want to add any new information later, that blank Write in place.

Invest in a good Prep Book:

It might not be necessary to memorize a lengthy list of SAT words in order to prepare for the test. However, an SAT Prep Book can surely help you focus on what’s most important.

Read, Read, Read:

To develop a strong, complex vocabulary over time, read voraciously. Reading not only helps you become accustomed to new words, but it also forces you to decipher their meanings.

Use a Dictionary:

The natural way to learn a new word is by paying attention to how other people use it, that is, to see or hear the word in context. Check its meaning in a dictionary before using the word.

Write it down:

Many people find that they can learn new information more easily if they write it down. The physical act of writing can plant the information more firmly in your mind.

Practice with Flashcards:

You probably use flashcards to study for some of your high school classes already, like when you are tackling new words for French class. Use index cards to either practice independently or have a quiz with your friends.

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