5 Amazing Tips to Revise Effectively

Revision Technique 1: Layering Revision can often be a daunting task, particularly for essay-based subjects such as history and English literature, where memory of particular dates and quotes is vital to make a good essay. The “layering” technique is a simple but useful tool for learning and remembering complicated information.

Revision Technique 2: The  Protégé Effect This is a concept that has been used for thousands of years to help with both memory and understanding a topic. Scientists have found that students who tutor others actually work harder to ensure that they understand the material that they are teaching, remember it more accurately and also apply it to their work much more efficiently.

Revision Technique 3: Interleaving The “interleaving” technique is based on what you do with your time during your revision. As opposed to dedicating a whole day to revise a subject (known as the “blocking” technique), interleaving mixes different subjects together on the same day.

Revision Technique 4: Mnemonic This is a technique which is often used to remember simple and complex topics/information by association. One example of a mnemonic is “Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain” which is used to remember the colours of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet).

Revision Technique 5: Past Paper Past papers are a great way of testing how well your revision is going without being in real exam conditions, so that you’re able to focus more on your weaker areas during revision. Understanding the exam and what is required is essential for revision and preparation for an exam.

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