11 Tips to Overcome Board Exam Stress and Anxiety 

Begin an Early Revision -  Beginning early helps complete this revision in time and stay prepared for the exams, which in turn, reduces the stress. 

Prepare a Timetable -  A productive timetable helps you plan your studies well. It gives you a clear idea of how much time you are giving to every subject. 

Plan for Every Day of the Week -  Take a day of the week off to do the things you like, or to meet your friends outdoors. This will help rejuvenate you for the coming week and reduce mental stress, too. 

Incorporate Active Learning Techniques -  While studying, prepare notes, flashcards, diagrams, and images to make your revision more interesting. 

Stay Positive -  Its important to stay positive to counter stressful thoughts. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Always remember that every problem has a solution. 

Get a Good Night’s Sleep - Maintain a sleep schedule, where you switch off gadgets an hour before bedtime. Sleep and wake at a fixed time every day so that your body and brain get the rest they require to work at their optimum.  

Maintain a Balanced Diet -  A healthy diet and ample water intake not only keeps you physically healthy and active but also mentally healthy and strong. 

Exercise -  Exercise of any kind helps the mind and the body stay active, healthy, and happy. Running, walking, yoga, swimming, or aerobics are all activities that help you stay mindful and reduce stress. 

Indulge in a Hobby -  When you plan for your day, keep aside some time to indulge in your hobbies, too. It will instantly improve your mood, refresh your mind, and decrease stress. 

Ask For Help -  Seek help or guidance from your parents, elder siblings, or teachers if you feel overwhelmed by exam stress and anxiety. 

Study With Friends -  Have a study buddy or study with a group of close friends, who will support each other and cheer for each other when exam stress gets overwhelming. 

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