10 ways to stay organized during the school year

Get a planner -  A planner will help you organize yourself anywhere from a week to a month in advance. Make sure you read your syllabus and mark the most important dates in your planner.

Be prepared -  prepare yourself for the day the night before. For example, organize your backpack the night before class. Make sure you have writing utensils, paper, and everything else you need for the class.

Start a group chat with your classmates -  Group chats are also a great way to develop relationships with your peers. Try using GroupMe or even Google Hangouts for this.

Color Code -  Color coding can be helpful for visual learners. If you color-code your notes, you can easily understand which subject area needs more attention.

Create a study space -  Study spaces are crucial to staying organized. Although they can be placed in your room, the best place for a study spot is as far away as possible from where you rest.

Set reminder -  Whether you have an iPhone or an Android, an app reminds you of anything that may slip your mind. You can set times so your phone will alert you at precisely the right time you need it.

Set a daily routine -  Daily routines are not dull. They are necessary. Whenever you wake up and go to bed simultaneously every day, you develop a better sense of time.

Eat healthy and sleep -  Eating and sleeping are what powers the body. Ensure you are getting all the right vitamins and nutrients from the food you are eating and avoid all the junk.

Use a Timer -  Use a timer to help you keep track of how long you've been working. Timers can help you manage your time better as well as show you what needs more attention.

Learn to say "no" -  Learn to say "no" and stick to your plan. Make sure they know you are busy and have to focus on school. Our friends should understand.

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