10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Class Participation 

Build up the courage to participate in class once a day -  Like many fears, the best way to overcome them is by facing them head-on.

Get to know your teacher -  The more you get to know your teacher, the easier it will be to overcome your fear of speaking in class.

Make friends with everyone in your classes -  Once you have a group of friends in your classes, speaking out loud doesn't feel so scary.

Stop caring about other people’s opinions -  When you’re at school, remember that you’re a student surrounded in an environment by other students.  

Think about the benefits of class participation -  One of the best ways to overcome your fear of class participation is by thinking about the benefits.

Improve your public speaking skills -  The more you improve your public speaking skills, the easier it will be to overcome your fear of class participation.

Get yourself in a comfortable and relaxed state of mind -  Make yourself comfortable and just try to have fun in class. If you give a wrong answer, ask your teacher for the right answer and move on. 

Aim to be the smartest person in the room -  Aiming to be the smartest person in the room isn’t arrogant. Show your teacher that you’re taking your education seriously and that you value time in the classroom. 

Sit at the front of your class - Another way to help overcome your fear of class participation is sitting at the front of your class. 

Work on your social skills -  The more you improve your social skills, the less social anxiety you'll have participating in class. 

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