10 Ways to Improve Your Grades if You're Underperforming 

Need for a change in orientation and mindset -  A positive attitude of working towards the problem is very necessary instead of giving up on it. 

Plan for improvement -  It’s very necessary to go about the problem in a schematic way so, that it will be easy then to figure out where the issue is. 

Develop a new learning style -  A student should introspect to make his/her own learning style to perform well and earn excellent grades. 

Involve teachers in your path of improvement -  When it comes to learning and performing then there cannot be any other better person to consult than a TEACHER. 

Improve learning ability -  There are many natural ways to increase one’s grasping power, for example, a change in the diet, a few minutes dedicated to meditation the whole day, etc. 

Be curious -  A student should always feel free to ask their doubts, as in a lecture their main goal is-“to learn “and for a teacher- “to teach”. So, there is nothing wrong or offensive in asking doubts. 

Make action plans -  This may increase students learning time and make them get tired early. So, an organized desk or way of working could help a student learn more in less time. 

Take notes -  It is better to note the whole lecture down and make bullets of important points so that they could be recalled easily and learned later. 

Avoid procrastination -  This leads to piling up the work and ultimately leaves the student in the hassle to complete the target in a very short span of time followed by low grades. 

Be open to assistance -  By this way, students can devote more time to their studies at home with someone they are more comfortable with. 

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