10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills 

To be a good communicator, you first have to listen well. By paying attention, you get every important detail of the communication, and you also improve on how to communicate back well.

Majority of the miscommunication happens when there is too much needless information. Keep your communication concise without compromising on the importance of it. This applies to both written and verbal communication.

You have to know who you are communicating with, and have to gauge what type of communication they are going to understand

The language you use in your communication should be assertive and active. This form of language instantly grabs the attention of the listener or reader. They will latch on to your every word and the right message will be passed on.

Body language is a great way to communicate without words but still has a profound impact. When you are in a video conference call or face-to-face meeting, keep positive body languages like an open stance and eye contact.

People assume they have not made a mistake and hit send on their written communication. Do not do this. Proofread what you have written once or twice before sending. One tip is that do not proofread immediately after writing.

When you are being communicated to, take down important points in the communication. This is a very simple but effective method to ensure there is no miscommunication.

Most miscommunication happens because either of the parties involved was not speaking in the right tone. Don’t be too loud, don’t be too soft, and don’t be rude or condescending.

When you are about to communicate, be sure that you are in the right frame of mind. Just make sure you are positive or at least neutral.

Even when you are speaking on the phone, smile because your positive attitude will shine through and the other person will know it. When you smile often and exude a positive attitude, people will respond positively to you.

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