10 things to prepare for the night before an exam 


Grab yourself a feast - Make an effort to treat yourself and indulge in a tasty meal, it will boost your mood and set you up well for the next day.


Set an alarm - The worst thing you can do is miss the test In order to avoid this, be sure to set your alarm the night before.


Take a nap -Try this routine: come home, take a quick power nap (20-30 minutes) and then get your head stuck down into some studying before making sure you get a good night’s sleep.


Make your own exam - Prepare yourself for exactly what you’re going into. Engineer your own exam by going through all of your materials and looking for possible questions.


Review study notes  - If you’ve been studying all along in bits and pieces during the course, you will feel better prepared for the test. However, it’s always a good idea to review study notes the day before an exam to refresh your memory.


Ditch the caffeine - Avoid caffeine before your exam, a cup of coffee in the evening can affect your ability to reach deep stages of sleep, which is critical for memory formation.


Get yourself together - Getting yourself fully ready the night before is key to preventing unnecessary rushing and panicking on the morning of your exam.


Get your cardio in - If you’ve got time, try and squeeze in a power session before 7 pm the night before your exam to get the blood, oxygen, and nutrients pumping through your brain.


Nothing new - Never run a marathon in new shoes! The ‘nothing new’ logic works for exams too, if you haven’t tried it before, now is not the time to experiment.


Use your last moments wisely - Just before you go to sleep, memorize the keywords, equations and principles that you had prepared in all these days.

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