10 Strategies to Learn English Pronunciation

Know What You Want to Sound  Like -  Practice sounding like they do. This will help you fit in and fully understand what they’re saying.

Subscribe to English Websites, Podcasts, and YouTube Channels -  When it comes to learning languages, the internet is your best friend.

Focus on Words That Are Giving You Trouble and Break Them Down - Take a break and pay close attention to that word’s features. Features include its spelling, syllables, and meaning.

Read aloud and record yourself - Record yourself reading and speaking aloud and clearly, which helps you track your improvement.

Listen closely to the rhythm and intonation of words -  Specify difficult words by listening carefully to the rhythm and sound of certain syllables.

Communication Is Key Practice with Native Speakers -  The best way to speak English like a native is to actually speak with one.

Watch the news for a clearer English pronunciation -  You can use the news-watching habit as a great tool to master your English pronunciation.

Don’t Make Assumptions Based on a Word’s Spelling -  English also has voiced and unvoiced consonants, where you have your mouth and tongue in the same position but the sound manages to be different.

Check Dictionaries and English Pronunciation Guides -  Dictionaries are always there to help. It’s always good to keep one handy, especially if you have a smartphone.

Slow Is Smooth, Smooth Is Fast -  The best thing to do is to be patient and keep practicing that word slowly until you can say it perfectly.

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