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10 Secrets to Winning Scholarships 

You usually can’t apply for a scholarship until you have been accepted into the course -  This may seem like it’s the wrong way around, but you do need to know you can pay your tuition fees and travel expenses without a scholarship. 

Not all scholarship covers everything -  Some scholarships like the DAAD scholarship which is fully funded will still demand you to pay your flight fee to your country of study after which they may refund you the travel fare. 

Look beyond your university -  You can find a complete list of scholarships on many websites, including those awarded by private foundations, or government bodies in the host country or your own country. 

REvery little bit helps -  Even if it’s just a small grant towards the cost of your books, it’s worth taking the time to apply. It’s one less thing to worry about when you get there. 

Apply for as many as you can -  Double-check that you have all the right documents to prove your case and get someone to read over your supporting essay or letter. 

Be confident -  If the application requires a letter or essay explaining why you deserve the scholarship, don’t be shy. List all your relevant achievements – not just academic results but also community work, career experience, and awards. 

Avoid scholarship scams -  There is no such thing as a ‘guaranteed scholarship’. You should never have to pay an application fee for a scholarship. Unfortunately, some dodgy scholarship companies will just take your money and disappear. 

Allow plenty of time -  You need to think about your finances for at least 18 months before you hope to start your course. But once you have been accepted onto the course, you may only have a short window of time where you can apply for a course-specific scholarship. 

Keep a record of all the documents -  You need proof of funds to get your visa sorted, and that includes the scholarship offer or agreement. We also guide applicants on how to get student visas but first, win the scholarship! 

Have a backup plan -  Don’t despair if all those applications come to nothing. There are other ways to finance your education. Student loans, help from your friends and family, and company sponsorships are worth looking into as well. 

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