10 Proven Ways to Build Self-Confidence 

Get Things Done - Confidence is built on accomplishment. If you achieve small and big goals, you're going to feel much better about yourself.

Monitor Your Progress - The best way to reach your goals, big or small, is to break them into smaller goals and monitor your progress.

Do the right thing - the most confident people live by a value system and make their decisions based on that value system

Exercise - Besides benefitting your health in general, exercising helps memory retention, improves focus, helps manage stress, and prevents depression.

Be fearless - failure is not your enemy, it is the fear of failure that really paralyzes you. If you set big goals and dream big,

Stand-Up for Yourself - Logically you think, "How can I be right when this person and all these doubts in my mind are telling me I can't do this? That idea is stupid."

Follow Through - You say you're going to do something and you do it, and the belief in yourself will come in handy, because you know you're not afraid of work.

Think Long Term - The foundation of suffering is decisions made for short-term comfort that impede long-term goals: If you're trying to save money, you can't go out to eat.

No matter what others think - whether it's rejection from employers, schools, or just negative feedback from friends or family, people will try to tell you that your goal is huge.

Do more of what makes you happy - What do you like to do in your spare time? Is it to go out, hike, kayak, and enjoy the outdoors?

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