10 New Study Techniques That You Must Try in 2022 

The SQ3R Method -  The SQ3R method is a reading comprehension technique that helps students identify important facts and retain information within their textbook.

Retrieval Practice -  Retrieval practice is based on the concept of remembering at a later time. Recalling an answer to a question improves learning more than looking for the answer in your textbook.

Spaced Practice -  Spaced practice (also known as “distributed practice”) encourages students to study over a longer period of time instead of cramming the night before.

The PQ4R Method -  his method takes an active approach to learning that improves memorization and understanding of the topic.

The Feynman Technique -  The Feynman Technique is an efficient method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms.

Leitner System -  The Leitner System is a learning technique based on flashcards. Ideally, you keep your cards in several different boxes to track when you need to study each set.

Color-Coded Notes -  Messy notes can make it hard to recall the important points of a lecture. Writing in color is a dynamic way to organize the information you’re learning.

Mind Mapping -  If you’re a visual learner, try mind mapping, a technique that allows you to visually organize information in a diagram.

Exercise Before Studying -  Not only does exercise fight fatigue, but it can also increase energy levels. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to study, consider adding an exercise routine to your day.

Study Before Bed -  Sleep is crucial for brain function, memory formation, and learning. Studying before you sleep, whether it is reviewing flashcards or notes, can help improve recall.

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