10 habits of  highly successful students

Stay organized  Successful students come to class with their materials organized. It's a good idea to have different notebooks for each subject, and always keep extra pencils, pens, and highlighters. If something isn't needed in your backpack, take it out! Disorganized students are known to keep old, crumpled assignments in their backpacks

Have an agenda Successful students tend to plan out their assignments well in advance, especially for long-term projects. Using an agenda book or planner is a popular habit of successful students as it ensures assignments and homework aren't forgotten about.

Participate actively in class volunteer and ask questions! Not only do teachers love students who participate, but these students also retain more information and will ultimately understand the material better. Eventually, these students will develop a more positive attitude toward education by actively participating in the learning process.

Don't be a perfectionist   Speaking of the “learning process”  highly driven students sometimes forget the second word in this phrase – process. Nobody is expected to be perfect at something on their first try! Furthermore, the habits of successful students include knowing when it's time for them to reach out for help, rather than frustrating themselves further.

Use additional study resources   Successful students know when to ask for help. If a concept isn't understood, take advantage of study programs, complete extra-credit assignments, and of course

Get a good night's sleep   Students who get their homework done early and get a good night's sleep are more likely to be alert during class. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adolescents (ages 14–17) get 8–10 hours of sleep per night, with the figure even higher for younger children.

Have a Study Space  A large percentage of students attempt to do their homework with many distractions around them, from cell phones to TVs. This really isn't ideal, and successful students will know to do their homework in a quiet area free of distractions.

Get involved in extracurriculars  Have a positive outlook on value education. These values begin when students form a close relationship with the realm of learning. Whether it's joining a band to learn the saxophone or volunteering after school in a chess club, students who participate in extracurricular activities tend to be happier and more motivated in their academic careers.

Use your own words -  In today's day and age, students have access to the internet, an incredible resource that puts a vast amount of information at our fingertips. Long gone are the days of trudging to the library and thumbing through card catalogs to source a research paper!

Put integrity and honesty first Put integrity and honesty first - students know they can find answers to assignments online, and there's always going to be a shortcut somewhere. Even if there is no risk of getting caught, successful students will not do it because they understand that it will hurt their performance in the long run.

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