10 Foolproof Tips to Avoid Distractions While You Study 

Establish a Study Routine -  If you have an attention span shorter than a goldfish, having a dependable study routine is a fantastic way to set the tone for the rest of your day. 

Track How You Spend Your Time -  Before chalking it up to having a full calendar, you should consider that you may not be using your time efficiently. 

Organize Your Tasks With a To-Do List -  Being scatterbrained when studying is a major distraction. To get that A, try sticking to a reliable timetable. 

Keep Open Internet Tabs to a Minimum -  A trick to resist temptation is to find and open the materials you need when you begin studying and don’t open any more tabs until you’ve finished. 

Install Study Apps That Block Distracting Websites - Downloading or enabling study apps that prevent you from accessing these distractions can be a lifesaver. 

Put Your Phone on Do Not  Disturb -  Text messages, notifications, emails, and the strong urge to know what’s going on in the world are what make your phone your enemy when you’re trying to study. 

Hunt Down the Perfect Study Spot -  One of the best ways to reduce distractions while studying is to have a workspace that caters to your needs. 

Get Rid of Unwanted Noise -  To eliminate unnecessary and distracting sounds, are noise-canceling headphones or heavy-duty ear plugs. 

Meet Your Basic Physical Needs -  To make sure you have copious amounts of energy, eat a hearty breakfast and keep good, healthy snacks on hand. 

Focus On One Goal at a Time -  Give each goal ample time and move to the next activity when you're finished. 

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