10 Cool Jobs for People Who Love Reading 

Teaching -  A teacher and his books can never be separated, which is why the love of reading often goes hand in hand with teaching. Whether you are a school teacher or a college professor, you need to read a lot to make lesson plans. 

Journalism -  If you’re one of those who reads everything – from the back of the cornflakes pack to hoardings to text messages – with an eagle eye, you may be the right fit for a copy editor’s job. If reporting is more your style, a strong reading habit will come in handy as both news pieces and long-form articles require in-depth research and precision while writing. 

Lawyers Those who have a sharp mind who relish a challenge can combine their love of reading with a profession of law. When they are not representing clients in court, lawyers must stay abreast of case law and reading statute books. If you don't see yourself as a lawyer. 

Market research analyst - Market research analysts help companies decide what products and services to sell by studying competitors, market conditions, and consumer behavior. Since it involves a lot of reading, it helps if the habit is already strongly wired into your brain. 

German -  For many English speakers, German is a difficult language to pick up. Its long words, four noun case endings, and rough pronunciation gives your tongue quite the workout each time you speak. On the other hand, German can be a fun language to learn and the grammar's considered to be quite logical, with many overlapping words in English. 

Content Writers - Content is King -  This phrase over the years has become a mantra that is repeated over and over again by internet marketers. Almost every e-tailer has their own blog, which means there are plenty of opportunities to grow right now. Other possible career paths include jobs writing for websites, posting for corporates and maintaining a personal blog. 

Copywriter -  If snappy slogans and witty headlines come naturally to you, then copywriting may be your calling. For decades, copywriting has been one of the most essential elements of effective marketing; It remains relevant in the digital world. A skilled copywriter creates compelling copy, scripts and jingles that create brand awareness. 

Publishing -  There are many career tracks within publishing. If you love to read so much and have your hand on the pulse, you could possibly make discovering top-notch writing your job. An acquisitions editor works for publishing houses and literary agencies, and typically divides his or her time reading manuscripts and connecting with authors to acquire titles for their companies. 

Librarian -  What better place for a book lover than a library? Surrounded by books of all kinds, it is the perfect place to indulge your love of reading and earn a living. Librarians do much more than "issue" books these days - they are enthusiastic researchers who know how to take advantage of the resources and reference materials available. 

Script Reader Script readers are tasked with reading film and television scripts to proofread and polish them. It takes skill to picture what the writer had in mind as far as translating the words to the screen, making this a unique job to have. 

Archivist -  If you love reading as well as history, then a job as an archivist may be a great fit for you. Archivists work with museums, governments, and similar organizations to verify and protect important documents, whether an original copy of a book or an ancient scroll. 

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