Tips to Boost Your Preparation Ahead of NEET 2023

neet 2023


When it is one of the toughest and most competitive exams in the country that you are aiming for, there is bound to be stress and pressure. How well you tackle this high-pressure situation and channelize your energies towards bettering your preparation during this last lap can make or break your performance. Here are a few tips to boost your spadework ahead of this all important exam:

NEET 2023 Preparation Tips

Break Down Your Syllabus:

By now, you must be well-versed with the different elements of your syllabus. It is a good idea to dedicate some time toward organizing your books and notes according to different sub-categories in every subject to facilitate ease of access when you are revising the portions.

For instance, Physics study material can be broken down into Optics, Mechanics, Nuclear Physics and Thermodynamics. Biology into Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Environment, Basics of Biotechnology, and Morphology. And Chemistry into Organic Chemistry, Mole Concept, Chemical Bonding, Periodic Table, Coordination Chemistry.

Focus on Quality Study Material:

One of the most crucial elements governing your NEET outcome is your choice of books and study material. Adding some recommended books for NEET to your existing study material at this stage can give you a much need edge in this competitive exams. Studying from multiple sources not only helps in enhancing your understanding of concepts but also boosts the quality of your answers and makes you better poised to handle twisted or trick questions which are a normal fare in this examination.

Best Books for NEET 2022

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Turn to e-learning:

At this crucial stage, every minute counts. Diversifying your learning options by including e-learning tools can be a great way to stay connected to your study material at all times. With dedicated NEET app on your smartphone, you can quickly revise topics, learn new facts, download e-books, bookmark or highlight important information on the go – say while travelling to your study centre and back – so that you don’t spend your precious study hours hankering for materials. Having an app installed on your phone also helps you plug knowledge or information gaps with just a few clicks, saving you the time and energy of rummaging through fat books.

Mock Test, Mock Test, Mock Test:

The importance of mock tests at this stage cannot be stressed enough. These mock tests will help you prepare for the high-pressure exam environment where you are expected to attempted 180 questions in 180 minutes, which means you barely have one minute to attempt a question. This rush-hour situation can throw even the most well-versed students off mark, if they are not prepared to handle it. In addition to this, mock tests give you a reality check on your preparation levels, helping you identify and work on weak areas. Look for NEET sample papers available online to access a wide range of questions of varying difficulty levels.

Take NEET Mock Tests

Take Care of Yourself:

You know what they say – a healthy mind in a healthy body. If your body or mind gives in at this crucial time, all your hard work will have been in vain. So while focusing on your preparation is essential, focusing on your mental and physical well-being is non-negotiable. Eat well, get adequate sleep, exercise, meditate, take short breaks and indulge in your go-to stress-busting activity from time to time.

Do you best but know that one exam is not the be all and end all of life. For that one final push, check out the NEET preparation module at KopyKitab to optimise your preparation.

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