7 Smart Tips Make Self-Study More Productive

self studfy

7 Smart Tips Make Self-Study More Productive: Homework, assignments, projects, studying for tests, catching up on extra study material…throw hobbies, sports, and socializing into the mix, and a student’s life can seem like a constant race against the clock. If you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in a day to finish all that … Read more

New National Education Policy 2020 | Know the Latest Education Policy

New National Education Policy 2020

Providing universal access to an education of high quality, the Government of India has the new National Education Policy 2020. New National Education Policy 2020 has changed the existing 10+2 structure into the 5+3+3+4 structure of School Education. The policy aims at transforming the structure from the existing 10 years + 2 years to a … Read more

Why to Choose Digital Books over Traditional Books?

Digital books

In the current world, we see everything is going digital. It might be shopping for dresses and groceries, checking bank details, watching movies, TV’s and so on. Now, even education is digitized. Students or professionals can study their subjects or courses using Digital books Online. This digital books or commonly known as e-books has definitely … Read more

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