Study Tips for Class 10 Board Exams 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2 | Subject-Wise Strategies

Study Plan for Class 10 Board Exams 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2 Subject-Wise Preparation Tips: It is not so easy to prepare easily for the most important exam in a student’s life i.e. Class 10 Exams. With a proper study plan and essential materials, a student can score more in the CBSE Class 10 Board Examination. You can boost your preparation for the Class 10 Exams 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2 with a wide range of Class 10 Books PDFs

In this article on Study Plan for Class 10, we are providing you with a complete study plan on how you can improve your marks by increasing and identifying your potential.

Study Timetable For Class 10 CBSE Board 2023

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Study Time Table for Class 10 Student 2023

Time Study Routine for Class 10 to be Performed
5:30 AM Get out of bed and finish your daily toils.
6:30 AM Morning is the best effective time to study and learn new things. So, students should take up the subjects in which they are really weak.
9:00 AM Have a healthy breakfast and relax for some time.
9:30 AM Have a quick revision of what you read in the morning.
9:45 AM Now, get into other subjects like Science and Mathematics.
11:45 AM Revise whatever you studied in the previous session.
12:00 PM Relax for a while, Have your lunch.
1:00 PM In this session, read whichever subject you would like to study.
4:00 PM Have a coffee break and take a rest for some time.
4:30 PM Take up the subject which you know well as you cannot give your 100% here.
6:00 PM Do some activities which will help you to relax.
7:00 PM Recall whatever you read in the previous sessions and practice some writing as well.
8:30 PM Have your dinner.
9:30 PM Revise the formulas and equations.
10:00 PM Go to Sleep.

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How To Study for Class 10 Board Exam 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2?

Here you can check the Ultimate Preparation Plan for CBSE Class 10 Exam 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2.

1. Begin Early

  • As the new academic year has begun, it is time for students to start their preparation well in advance. It is common that most students tend to neglect their studies.
  • Students think they have a lot of time and start studying when the exams are nearby. Well, this is now the right way to prepare.
  • Students must plan their preparation carefully and follow the same. Everyone must make it a routine to implement the preparation and study accordingly.

2. Make a Study Plan for the Class 10 Exam

  • When you are ready to begin your preparation, the first thing you need to do is make a proper study plan for the Class 10 Exam for a full year of preparation.
  • Allot time for each subject and try to complete it. Make your study plan in such a way that you must not feel it is hectic.
  • As you need to attend school, do not make your timetable for CBSE Class 10 with too many schedules. Allow equal time for all subjects in the Daily Time Table. Give more time for subjects to complete during weekends.

3. Give Colour Codes

  • To identify subjects in your plan, use color codes for each subject. Instead of writing the subject names, you can mark them with different colors.
  • So make your study plan for CBSE Class 10 Exams look colorful.

4. Break into Achievable Target

  • As the class 10 portion is vast, you cannot complete it in one go. Allow equal time and complete the portions.
  • Set a target for yourself either daily or weekly and achieve it. Apart from your school portions, you can study a little extra if you have more time.

5. Know the Complete CBSE Class 10 Syllabus and Exam Pattern

  • Once you have begun your CBSE Class 10 Exam preparation, go through the CBSE Class 10th Syllabus and Exam Pattern carefully.
  • Make a list of topics from the entire syllabus that you are aware of and feel easy, and tough topics separately. In your study plan, make sure you give more time to tough topics and less time to topics you feel are easier.
  • Make sure you have the right Class 10 NCERT Books for preparation.

6. Be Specific

  • In your study plan for the Class 10 Exam, make sure you are specific. If in case you have begun your preparation for trigonometry, ensure you have mentioned the particular topic in trigonometry to complete.
  • Do not make your study plan for the class 10 exam complex. Make it easier and make sure you can complete it as per the set target.

7. Give Time for Breaks

  • Studying is your aim but taking frequent breaks between study periods is important.
  • Take a 5-10 minutes break every hour after the completion of studying. It is also important to eat well and sleep well.
  • Without proper food and enough sleep, you cannot achieve your goals.

8. Mix and Match

  • No one can study or solve Mathematics Topics for 6 hours continuously. Instead, study a combination of two or three subjects in the same six hours.
  • Give 2 hours for each subject and complete the target. Do not make your plan complex. Have an easier Study Plan for CBSE class 10 Board Exams.

9. Change it if you don’t feel Good

  • The study plan for class 10 is not fixed for a whole year. Depending on your improvement in speed and managing time, you can change your plan.
  • So, it is advised to use a pencil while preparing a CBSE Class 10 Study Plan. Change it when you think this is not enough.
  • As you need to classes in school, you hardly get 5-6 hours after school. So plan it wisely. Do not make it messy. Make a clean and achievable target study plan for class 10.

10. Stay Focussed

  • This is very important during studying. There are a lot of ways a student can get distracted.
  • Stay away from electronic gadgets during preparation. Instead of using your mobile phone to stay on social media or chat, use it for study purposes.
  • You can check our previous year’s Class 10 question papers, take up online practice tests, and many more. Also, believe in yourself and achieve the desired target.

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Ultimate Subject-Wise Class 10 CBSE Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

After knowing about the Study Plan for Class 10 Exams, it is also important to know subject-wise preparation tips for Class 10 exams.

Below are the CBSE 10th Class preparation tips listed out for all subjects. Go through them and follow them accordingly.

Class 10 CBSE Science Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

Science is an important subject for students who will be taking up the Science stream in Class 11.

Students must concentrate on all three subcategories in Science – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Studying thoroughly these three subjects and topics will ensure Class 10 students have a strong foundation.

  • Prepare a complete list of formulae, experiments, and derivations
  • Do not skip the science laboratory lectures and classes. Use the laboratory as much as you can for every single experiment.
  • It is important to use Class 10 NCERT books which can be followed thoroughly to score well in Science. All the question papers are prepared based on the concepts given in the NCERT book.
  • Many science formulas have rules that must be followed strictly and used correctly.
  • PHYSICS- Students need to get a good grip on the basic concepts and Topics of Class 10 Physics. Most of the questions from the paper contain direct formulae- and theorem-based questions. Therefore, learn them thoroughly to solve questions correctly. Try solving formulae and theorems from the previous year’s 10th board exam papers and model papers for various problems.
  • CHEMISTRY- Chemistry is the best subject in Science as it requires less time for preparation. So, you can get the required speed and accuracy by solving different problems you can achieve through an in-depth study of the subject and extensive practice. Go through the reactions thoroughly; create charts of formulae along with names and revise them as and when possible.
  • BIOLOGY- This subject includes a lot of diagrams, so it’s important to give special attention to diagrams and their theory. Ensure that important terms and their respective functions are remembered. Biology has a lot of learning and memorization of difficult terminology. So make a note of them and it will be easier for preparation. Be prepared with the key definitions as the subject is mostly theory.

Class 10 CBSE Mathematics Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

Class 10th Mathematics is all about basic geometry, trigonometry, and the concept of numbers.

These topics build aptitude and concepts that turn out to be beneficial for the students who wish to appear for aptitude-based tests in the future.

  • Class 10 Maths formulas may seem very general, but many times they have appeared in Class 10 previous year’s papers, and questions are asked of them.
  • It is important to keep the concepts and formulas sheet
  • Go through the usage of all the Math formulas thoroughly.
  • If you are planning to score an A1 in Maths Class 10th exams, then it is advised to be well-versed with your NCERT book. Almost the entire question paper includes concepts and formulas that are given in the book.
  • Try to read the problem, again and again, to understand the exact idea of the question while solving a problem-based question.
  • On a rough paper, jot down exactly what is given in the paper and what you need to find. Then, in a methodical way, find what is asked of you.
  • After the revision is done, you can start solving Class 10 Sample Year Papers, unsolved papers, and practice papers within the given set of time.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

Social science may sound boring, but one can use study tools to make it fun. Things like flashcards, colorful charts, timelines, and funny mnemonics can help you study apart from the textbook and notes reading.

Here are some tips to have easy preparation for Class 10 Social Science

  • Go through the topic or concept once without trying to remember it; just like reading a newspaper or novel and trying to understand it.
  • It is important to prioritize your subjects and topics as per the marks weightage, easy, and difficult chapters. You can rely on this list to create a practical study schedule.
  • Make notes for specific points that you feel are important and you are likely to forget, along with school notes.
  • Make a chart that includes important dates, go through it regularly and you will find that you can easily remember the dates.
  • Make the study plan for class 10 subject-wise instead of combining all topics
  • Use as many flashcards as possible for definitions and also for various historical events. This technique is a kind of fun and quick revision.
  • You can practice map work by finding out the important locations you want to remember, then locate them on a blank map
  • It is important to understand economics and political science, and it’s better to avoid memorizing.
  • Solve previous year’s papers/ sample papers and start practicing by writing within the word limits.

CBSE Class 10 English Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

  • Unseen passage/note-making: This section is quite scoring and needs the least amount of effort compared to other sections.
  • Writing skills: Stick to formats religiously. Most of the questions in this section are for 10 marks, divided into 3 marks for the format. Go through sample letters and also articles from Class 10 English books so that you can improve your thinking skills and understand presentation skills. Board examiners often give preference to an exhaustive article that has lots of ideas and inputs by the student instead of simple repetitive arguments in fancy language.
  • Grammar: The only trick here is to practice more. Learn the basic rules and attempt as many questions as possible and correct yourself after making mistakes.
  • Literature: When it comes to poems, have a notebook handy and jot down everything your teacher explains. Please know that just understanding the chapter is not enough as students would need to write 7-10 mark answers in the exam. Keep this in mind, and make an effort to practice and solve the previous year’s questions. Every long answer has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your aim needs to be about writing 150-200 words spread across 3-4 paragraphs.

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Exam Preparation Tips 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

  • This subject is fairly scoring and one can get 90+ easily. But to do that, you have to study the Class 10 NCERT textbooks really well as they are very useful.
  • You need to get your hands on Hindi Question Bank and practice questions from all the topics.
  • Solve Class 10 Oswal Previous Year Question papers and cross-check with the solutions provided. In fact, most of the time, questions are just repeated in exams.

Thus, students can begin their Class 10 Preparation with a wide range of Class 10 Study Materials available online.

Students are also advised to implement these tips and strategies in their preparation and follow the Study Plan for Class 10 accordingly.

Start your preparation now and aim towards scoring 100% marks in the Class 10 Exams 2023 by going through the CBSE Study Plan for Class 10.

Other Central Board of Secondary Education Class 10 Related Important Links

We have covered a detailed guide on CBSE Study Plan for Class 10. Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below.

FAQs On Study Plan for Class 10 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

Which are the Best Books to Prepare for the 10th Class Board Exams?

Here is the List of Books to Prepare for CBSE Class 10 Exams 2023: Most Popular Books Class 10.

What are the best ways for CBSE Class 10 exam preparation?

The Best Way to Study for Class 10 in Simple Words is Read, Repeat, and Revise.

How many hours do CBSE toppers study?

Top CBSE students will study for at least 8-10 hours per day.

How many minimum marks do I need to score to clear the Class 10 board exam?

In order to pass the 10th board exams in 2023, students must obtain at least 33% in each subject.

Where can I get a Study Plan for Class 10 English?

You can get a Study Plan for Class 10 English from the above article.

28 thoughts on “Study Tips for Class 10 Board Exams 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2 | Subject-Wise Strategies”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this article. I personally find this information very helpful and can’t wait to implement these tips.

  2. This is very helpful for confusing students because in starting students are totally confuced about what He/she do…
    Thanks for giving me a lot of information….

  3. I am pooja studying in class 10th. Thanks for the amazing tips. I will follow these tips to score good marks in class 10. Also, these tips will help me to crack the scholarship test.


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