NDA Result 2023 | Check Result Date for NDA 1 and NDA 2

NDA Result

NDA Result: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published NDA (I) 2023 marks of recommended applicants. The marks of qualified candidates are now available in PDF format on the official website. NDA (I) 2023 was previously revealed on March 6, 2023.

The UPSC will publish the NDA result 2023 online. The roll numbers of eligible applicants will be included in the NDA 2023 result, which will be available in PDF format. In this article, you will get the complete details related to NDA Result 2023.


Steps To find the NDA 2023 Exam result

Follow the steps below to check the NDA result 2022:

Step 1 – Go online on the official home page of UPSC,

Step 2 – You need to click on the result link on the home page.

Step 3 – The NDA 2022 exam result for UPSC will open in the form of a PDF.

Step 4 – Search your NDA Result using your exam roll number of NDA. You can download the NDA Exam Pdf 2023 for your future reference or you can take a printout.

Note: If you can find your roll number and name in the PDF list of roll numbers, which will imply that you have successfully qualified for the exam of NDA 2023. 

NDA Scorecard

UPSC will publish the mark sheet of successful candidates on their official website within 15 days from the announcements of the NDA result.

You can find your roll number, name, and segment-wise scores, and overall score based on your NDA 2023 exam performance.

NDA score computation process and mechanism

UPSC follows the following score grading scheme based on NDA Exam Pattern:

  • In the general ability test (GAT) section, a candidate can score 4 marks for each correct answer.
  • In the mathematics test section, candidates will get 2.5 marks for each correct answer. 1/3(=.33) deducted for each wrong answer.

Calculating The NDA Exam Score

The net score in GAT is the net difference between the total score achieved from the number of correct answers x 4 and the total score achieved from the number of incorrect answers x 0.33

Mathematics Score = Number of correct answers x 2.5 – number of incorrect answers x 0.33

Tie-Breaking Policy 

If two or more candidates secure equal aggregate marks, the selection is done based on their age. Older candidates are given preference in this category. 

NDA Salary 

The salary of the National Defense Academy and Naval Academy has changed dramatically since the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission. The incentives associated with the pay scale for NDA applicants begin as soon as the training cycle begins. Candidates will be paid Rs 56,100 as a stipend during this training session at IMA.

Keep reading to get more updates on NDA Salary Structure.

FAQ’s Related To NDA Result 2023

Will I be able to get a hard copy of the NDA Exam Result 2023?

No. You will not be given a hard copy of the NDA Exam Result 2022.

Will UPSC give out individual notifications about the NDA Exam Result 2023?

Candidates are not notified separately when the NDA results are out.

Where will I find the NDA Exam Result 2023?

On the official website of UPSC, you can verify their NDA result.

What information is included in the NDA result PDF?

The roll numbers of qualified applicants are included in the NDA result PDF.

If I complete the UPSC NDA exam with a score of 323. Is SSB a possibility for me?

Yes, you will be chosen for the SSB Interview.

What is the National Defense Agency’s (NDA) merit list?

Candidates’ cumulative marks in the written exam and SSB Interview are used to compile the NDA merit list.

How do I get the result of the NDA?

You have to check NDA results only on the internet.

Is there a cut-off for each section of the NDA exam?

For the UPSC Written Test, there are Sectional NDA Cut-Off marks.

We have covered a detailed guide on the NDA Exam Result 2023. If you have any queries, feel free to ask us in the comment section below.

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