Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry NCERT Solutions For Chapter 8 For Elkana

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8: Elkana is an important chapter in the Class 11 English Course. In this blog we will be concentrating on the important aspects of NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 For Elkana which will help you to improve your methods of preparation in a better way.

The parts which we will be taking care of are benefits of following Chapter 8 Solutions along with the solved-questions. You will also get to see the overview of the chapter. Read all the sections slowly.

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 PDF

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Download 11th English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 Solutions

Each section has been given attention which will be beneficial for your performance in the English Exam. The experts have followed the latest CBSE Pattern while designing the Solutions Chapter 8.

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 

In the Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions the poet has tried to paint a common picture of any Indian home. On an April evening, a housewife decides to talk about certain issues with her the husband and she finds that he is not paying attention. The lady of the house is serious about the issues and she doesn’t want any kind of barrier to affect them and demands her husband to listen. The students will be exposed to a simple style of conversation which takes place between any husband and wife.

Advantages of following NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 For Elkana

There are different kinds of benefits for referring to the Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry and now we will talk about those solutions. You must collect it after you finish your syllabus.

  • The students will be able to prepare themselves in a better way when they go through the contents of the Solutions Chapter 8.
  • The students will be able to cross all the hurdles in relation to the NCERT Chapter 8 Solutions after answering questions from the chapter.
  • All the questions which are based on English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 have been explained in a way which will be easier to understand and if you examine the contents carefully you will be left with zero queries.
  • You will get new ideas to improve your methods of preparation and that is the beauty of following solutions Chapter 8.
  • Shaping study materials becomes easier for you when you are ready with solutions.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8

Q.1: Comment on the subtlety with which the poet captures the general pattern of
communication within a family.

Ans : Nissim Ezekiel has captured the essence of daily conversation that takes among the
family. Ezekiel very brilliantly tells how conversations in Indian families look like. To make
readers more connected he employs few real-life incidents to make it look more authentic. The three people.

The husband very easily ignores what his wife says, as he believes her talk holds no importance. He avoids getting into mess by simply saying what she is saying is right. The third member is the kid. And that kid holds importance and his demands are not shooed away, instead fulfilled by both the parents.

Q.2: Poetic effect is achieved in the poem through understatement and asides. Discuss this with examples.

Ans : The literary technique understatement is used to enhance the poem. Poet’s main concern is not the family but the environment around them. For instance the poet talks about the broken window panes, it may be useless in the real world but in the poem it holds a lot of significance. The other aspect is that the husband claims that ‘the man she loves who happens to be me’. Although he pays zero attention to what his lady but inside he knows she loves him that makes him really happy.

Q.3: How is the idyllic juxtaposed with the pedestrian in the poem?

Ans : The poet abandons the romance but instead look for themes from daily life. In his poems daily life situations are taken into consideration and studied upon. The poet says people can connect with ordinary things while rejecting the grand things. The pedestrian feeling is brought by discussing random things. The idyllic is juxtaposed with a pedestrian by discussing random things and relationships.

Q.4: Explain the undertones in the statement: ‘Wife and husband in unusual rapport State one unspoken thought’:

Ans : It explains understanding the unspoken words. They believe that discipline is very
important and parents in every way care for their child. It is clearly visible when being in the
middle of an argument, the whole thought of the child becoming indiscipline makes them stop the argument and both stop their argument. Even after stopping they still can read each other’s minds.

Q.5: Comment on the capitalization of all the words in the line: ‘Children Must be Disciplined’.

Ans : The line in capitalized form is very important. This line is the ultimate thing that runs in the mind of both the parents when they put arguments at a halt and completely drown in the thoughts of their child and hence understand the fact that their child is making a demand that can not be fulfilled at this hour. They both are in awkward positions and are confused about how to deal with this untimely demand of their son.

We have covered a detailed guide on CBSE NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8

What do NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 talk about?

In Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions the poet has tried to paint a common picture of any Indian home. On an April evening, a housewife decides to talk about certain issues with her husband and she finds that he is not paying attention. The lady of the house is serious about the issues and she doesn’t want any kind of barrier to affect them and demands her husband to listen. The students will be exposed to a simple style of conversation that takes place between any husband and wife.

Are the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 reliable?

Yes, the solutions are reliable as they are designed by subject matter experts.

From where can I download the NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 PDF?

You can download the PDF from the link given in the above blog.

Can I download NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Woven Words Poetry Chapter 8 PDF for free?

Yes, it is free of cost.

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