NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2 | Chapter-Wise Solutions PDF

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight: Subjective and objective questions, both are included in the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight. The PDF is available for students and can be accessed at any time. Additionally, students can use First Flight English Class 10 NCERT Solutions to assess themselves prior to the main exam.

Download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight 2023 For Term 1 & Term 2

The following is the link to download chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Language and Literature – First Flight.

Class 10 English First Flight – Prose Solutions

Class 10 English First Flight – Poetry Solutions

First Flight English Class 10 NCERT Solutions: Chapter-wise Summary

Chapter 1 – A Letter to God

This is the first chapter of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight. The chapter is written by G.L. Fuentes. The story shows the faith of a simple poor and honest farmer named Lencho in God.

His crops were demolished in the hailstorm. So he wrote a letter to God to send him money. When the postmaster saw the letter, then he decided to help him. He collected some money and put it in the envelope.

The office people gave Lencho the envelope in the post office. This story is based on the faith of the farmer and the steps taken by the postman to help him anonymously. 

Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom

Here you will know about Nelson Mandela, the first black President of South Africa. The chapter starts with speeches and the inaugural ceremony of the newly elected president. After that, you will find how white skin supremacy had made the life of the dark-skinned population as hell.

Here you will also find the struggle of Nelson Mandela and other black people at that time and how he fought for his rights after joining the African National Congress.

Chapter 3 – Two Stories about Flying

This chapter comprises two parts, namely His First Flight and Black Aeroplane. These stories are based on the experiences of flying.

The first one is written by Liam O’Flaherty. It is about a young seagull who is afraid of flying. Here you will know about the reason for the fear and how he overcomes this.

The second part is written by Frederick Forsyth. Here you will find the story of the pilot and his journey after getting stuck in the storm clouds and how he escapes death miraculously. 

Chapter 4 – From the Diary of Anne Frank

Here you will find the content from the Diary of Anne Frank. Here, she talked about her loneliness and she wants a true friend. So she can share her feelings, and thus she decides to write a diary.

She has elaborated on her background, her family, her early childhood, and her schooling. She named her diary after a kitty. She has also mentioned his math professor who gave her punishments. 

Chapter 5 – The Hundred Dresses – 1

Here you will find the story of a poor girl named Wanda Patronsk. She went to school with other children in an American Town. Her classmates judged her and found her completely different in many ways.

The base of the story is the experience of the poor American girl who is teased by her classmates. She always kept quiet and wore the same faded blue dress to school every day. But she claimed to have a hundred dresses.

Chapter 6 – The Hundred Dresses – 2

Here you will find the story starts with a letter from Wanda’s father. In the letter, he informed about their moving to a big city where no one would tease Wanda for her appearance.

After knowing about the letter, the students of the class realized their behavior toward Wanda. Two students, named Maddie and Peggy, were regretting more. They couldn’t concentrate on her studies. They visited Wanda’s residence, but by that time they had already left.

The teacher received another letter from Wanda on Christmas where she informed her about her new dresses and that the old ones should be gifted to Maddie and Peggy.

Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India

Here you will find three parts namely A Baker from Goa, Coorg, and Tea from Assam. The first one is written by Lucie Rodrigues about the village baker of Goa.

The second part is written by Lokesh Abrol about a coffee town and a famous place for its rainforests and spices, i.e. Coorg. The third part is written by Arup Kumar Dalla. Here you will find the story of Pranjol, a youngster from Assam, whose father is a manager of a tea garden in Upper Assam.

Chapter 8 – Mijbil the Otter

Here you will find the story about the author. He loved pets, but after the death of his dog Jonnie, he was too sad to think of keeping a dog again. He toured Southern Iraq, Basra to get an Otter and he found Mijbil.

Here you will know about the story after finding Mijbil, how the author brought Mijbil to his place, whether was Mijbil comfortable with him, etc. 

Chapter 9 – Madam Rides the Bus

Here you will find a beautiful story of the first bus journey of an eight years old girl named Valli into the world outside her village. Valli wanted to know about the mystery of life and death at a very young age.

The outside world was quite fascinating for Valli. So she decided to go to the town all by herself and enjoyed the journey. After completing of the journey alone, she returned home in time, and none of the family members could know about her journey. 

Chapter 10 – The Sermon at Benares

This chapter is written by Bretty Renshaw. Here you will know about the complete journey of Gautama Buddha right from prince hood to his saintly life.

You will also know about the worldly pleasures given up by Gautama Buddha and sought enlightenment. After seven years of wandering, finally, he attained salvation under a tree at Bodhgaya. This chapter explains how a person can attain peace of mind.

Chapter 11 – The Proposal

This story is written by Russian writer Anton Chekhov. Here you will know about the approach of wealthy families toward other wealthy families in the case of marriage.

Ivan Lomov, a wealthy neighbor of Stepan Chubukov, wanted to marry Chubukov’s daughter Natalya. All three were quarrelsome people. Here students will know what happened to the marriage proposal in their dispute. 

We have covered a detailed guide on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight 2023-24. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight 2023-24 For Term 1 & Term 2

Where can I download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Free PDF?

You can download Chapter-Wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Free PDF from the above article.

How many chapters are there in First Flight Class 10 English NCERT Textbook?

There are a total of 11 chapters in the First Flight Class 10 English NCERT Textbook.

What is the name of the English book of Class 10 NCERT?

For the English subject in Class 10, the CBSE recommends two books:
1. First Flight
2. Footprints without Feet

Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight PDF absolutely free of cost?

Yes. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight at KopyKitab is absolutely free of cost.

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