CMA Exam Preparation Tips & Strategy | Know The Tips and Tricks


CMA Exam Preparation Tips

CMA Exam Preparation Tips 2021: Without a good strategy you cannot clear the CMA examination in just the first attempt. It is necessary that along with the Best Reference Books for ICWA CMA Exam it is also important to have the best CMA Exam Preparation Tips.  

Along with the Best Reference Books for ICWA CMA Exam, it is essential to have the best CMA Exam Preparation Tips. We are here to assist you in this matter. In this article, you can easily find the best CMA Exam Preparation tips 2021.

CMA Exam Preparation Tips & Strategy 2021: Exclusive Tips

  1. Tips and strategies are the most significant way of cracking or succeeding any exam. Strategies can improve the overall score and will help in achieving the goals. The ICMAI CMA Exam is considered to be the toughest exam, so the following preparation tips are listed below:
  2. 1. One should watch online videos on platforms like YouTube.
  3. 2. One should refer to ICMAI CMA Books, Study Package and Sample Paper which are available online.
  4. 3. Start with preparing topics you already know and daily practice at least 4-5 problems related to it.
  5. 4. To perform well in the exam, one must focus on solving the questions you know first. Prepare your self-prepared CMA notes.
  6. Always use the most recent study materials when studying.
  7. You must be up to date on the most recent syllabus.
  8. Every day, practise accounting problems.
  9. Choose a reference book and only prepare with those CMA books.
  10. It is necessary to review the CMA Exam Pattern.
  11. Study previous examination question papers to be able to categorise all of the topics in each subject.
  12. You must review the marks allotted, as well as the weightage for each category, and prepare accordingly.
  13. More time should be spent on important topics.
  14. The key to success is revision. Revise as much as possible.

CMA Exam Preparation Tips & Strategy 2021: Best Strategy

  1. To prepare for Theory subjects, concentrate on thoroughly understanding the concepts as well as their application.
  2. Consider case laws and Sections when studying subjects such as law.
  3. Spend some time on statistics and general reading of business newspapers and news magazines in subjects such as Economics. Accountancy, costing, and mathematics are examples of subjects where you can focus on understanding the methods, formulae, and format of presenting the solution.
  4. Try to solve as many problems as possible. To maximise the effectiveness of a calculator in the examination hall, practise using it effectively.

Must Read: ICMAI CMA Study Material 2021

The study material for all subjects has been provided by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI). The ICMAI study material 2021 covers the entire CMA exam syllabus. The institute has provided ICMAI exam study materials for all three levels of exams. The institute’s study material covers all of the topics that will be covered in the ICMAI exam. ICMAI study material is issued separately for each subject covered in the CMA course syllabus. 

We have included all the details regarding ICMAI CMA Exam Preparation tips. If you have any query feel free to ask in the comment section below!

FAQ: ICMAI CMA Exam Preparation Tips

When will be CMA Exam be conducted?  

This year CMA Intermediate Exam will be held on 23rd July 2021. 

Will there be negative marking in CMA Exam ?

No, there is no negative marking in CMA Exam.

How many papers are there in CMA Exam?

There are 8 papers in the CMA Exam.

What is the duration of CMA Exam?

The CMA exam is of 3 hour.

How should I Prepare for the numerical subjects of CMA Inter?

You can prepare subjects such as Accountancy, Costing, and mathematics focus on understanding the methods, formulae, and format of presenting the solution. Solve as many problems as you can.

How can I prepare for ICMAI CMA Exam?

You can prepare with the best ICMAI CMA Exam preparation tips and Strategy.

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