GTU Computer Networks Exam Paper June 2011

GTU Computer Networks Exam Paper June 2011     GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. Sem. – V – Examination – June- 2011 Subject code: 150702 Subject Name: Computer Network   Total Marks: 70 Instructions: Attempt all questions. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Discuss different types of guided … Read more

IIT Kanpur Syllabus 6th sem Electrical Engineering

IIT Kanpur Communication System Syllabus   EE 321  COMMUNICATION  SYSTEMS Prereq. EE 320 Information measures. Source coding. ISI & channel equalization, partial response signalling.  M-ary modulation systems, error probability calculations. PLLs and FM threshold extension. Error control coding, block and convolution codes. Combined modulation and coding, trellis coded modulation. Spread spectrum systems.

IIT Kanpur Mathematics II Syllabus 2nd sem Electrical Engineering

IIT Kanpur Mathematics-II Syllabus       MTH 102 MATHEMATICS – II                                  Prereq. : MTH 101 Matrices; Matrix Operations (Addition, Scalar Multiplication, Multiplication, Transpose, Adjoint) and their properties; Special types of matrices (Null, Identity, Diagonal, Triangular, Symmetric, Skew-Symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian, Orthogonal, Unitary, Normal), Solution of the matrix EquationAx=b; Row-reduced Echelon Form; Determinants and their properties, … Read more

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