E Books in India : Changing the Face of Education

E Books in India : Changing the Face of Education       There is no doubt that technology has become heavily integrated into our everyday lives. With launch of ebooks and its gaining popularity. There is almost no escaping it. We rely on our cellphones and laptops for everything whether it be finding a … Read more

Material Science ME Syllabus

Material Science ME SYllabus     PH-206 Material Science Crystal Structure: Fundamental concepts, Closed packed structures, Crystal systems,Crystallographic planes and directions, Miller indices, Point defects. Electrical Properties: Classical free electron theory of metals, Quantum theory – Particle in a box, Wave function and energy states, Finite potential barrier, Tunneling, Fermi-Dirac distribution law, Density of energy … Read more

GTU previous year question paper- BE- VIIth SEM -Electrical and Electronics measuring Instruments -May/June- 2012

GTU previous year question paper GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE- VIIth SEMESTER–EXAMINATION – MAY/JUNE- 2012 Subject code: 170803  Subject Name: Electrical and Electronics measuring Instruments   Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) What is measurement standard? List out different types of … Read more

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