Board Exams 2016: 7 things every aspirant should know

Are you appearing for Board exams, this session? The ‘hyped-Board exams’ that builds a sense of fear in the aspirants? Every year, lakhs of students studying in Class 10 and 12 appear for these exams, but there is nothing to worry about or be dreadful of. Here’s a list of things every aspirant should know (and must abide by too), in order to score well in exams:

Morning study: Almost all the parents advise their wards to study in the morning because after a good sleep, one’s mind is fresh and rejuvenated. Also, there is very little or no disturbance during that time. As they say, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise!”

Eat healthy: Yes, eating a healthy, balanced diet is of utmost importance! Eat veggies, fresh fruits, dairy products, eggs, fish, meat etc. Basically, your plate should be filled with a lot of protein. Go for soups, green tea or fresh juices rather than aerated drinks. Strictly, No junk food!

Time management:  Analyse what subjects you are weak in, what subject you need to devote more time to, etc. Distribute your time to each subject, accordingly. Draw a plan, set your targets in focus and study!

Conceptual Understanding: Do not try cramming the syllabus. Trust us, it never works. It is a mandate to understand the topic in order to get a hold of it. The biggest disadvantage of mugging up the answers without understanding them is that that in case the question appears in some other form, you might end up in trouble. Also, If you understand the topics, it is easy to provide them a shape during the exam.

Make Notes: This one is tried and tested. Making brief notes of the topics always helps. It acts as an aid when you are preparing a topic and also when you are revising. Thus, when the teacher is teaching, jot down all that is possible.

Sample Papers: Everyone, from your building watchman to your class teacher to your coaching class mentor to your parents, literally everyone, suggest taking help from sample papers. Besides having a copy of previous year’s question paper, these sample papers have a range of questions that can help a student prepare well and have an idea of the actual paper. Solving these sample question papers helps a candidate revise as these cover the entire syllabus.

Do Not Postpone:  Leaving things for later has never done any good to anyone. Rather, it adds on to the pile of unattended tasks and creates unnecessary pressure, which in turn, affects the results. Study regularly, on a daily basis in order to achieve your target.

With Inputs from: Mr Vinay Goyal, Director, SRS International School (SRS Group)

Happy studying!

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