The Best 6 Programming Languages Every Ethical Hacker Needs to Learn

Python: Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that is widely used in the field of cybersecurity and ethical hacking. It offers extensive libraries and frameworks for tasks such as network scanning, exploit development, and scripting. 

C/C++: Understanding C and C++ programming languages is essential for low-level exploitation and vulnerability research. Many security tools and frameworks are written in C/C++, and knowledge of these languages allows ethical hackers to analyze and manipulate system memory efficiently. 

JavaScript: JavaScript is commonly used in web development, and knowledge of this language is essential for understanding client-side vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and HTML injection. Ethical hackers often use JavaScript to develop proof-of-concept exploits for web applications. 

SQL: Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to interact with databases, and understanding SQL is crucial for identifying and exploiting database vulnerabilities such as SQL injection. Ethical hackers need to know how to write SQL queries to extract or manipulate data in a controlled manner. 

Bash Scripting: Bash scripting is essential for automating tasks and writing custom scripts for penetration testing and security auditing. Ethical hackers often use Bash scripts to perform repetitive tasks, manage payloads, and customize their workflow. 

Ruby: Ruby is another programming language commonly used in web development, and it's particularly popular among ethical hackers for developing and exploiting web applications. Tools like Metasploit, a widely used penetration testing framework, are written in Ruby. 

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