Best 7 books to master SQL 

SQL: QuickStart Guide – The Simplified Beginner’s Guide To SQL -  If you have no prior knowledge of SQL, this book will help you strengthen your foundation and start your SQL journey. 

SQL in 10 minutes, Sam’s Teach Yourself - This is the best book for beginners to learn SQL. In this book, you will find twenty-two short and quick lessons. 

SQL: The Ultimate Beginner Guide  This book covers all the basic concepts you need to learn as a beginner. It will teach you various concepts, such as making and removing tables, where clauses, and more. 

Head First SQL   This is another beginner-friendly book is a well-organized and visually rich format book designed to help our brains learn things quickly. 

Learning SQL By Alan Beaulieu  In this book, you will learn how a dataset interacts with queries, and also understand the importance of subqueries. 

SQL Cookbook  In this book, you’ll find SQL techniques and features shared by experienced SQL developer Anthony Molinaro and his favorites. 

SQL Practice Problems  Are you looking for a book that will help you learn SQL by solving real-world problems? If yes, then you are in the right book. 

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