Study Tips for Slacker Students!

When faced with a large assignment or studying for a big test, the sheer size of the task can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. 

Break tasks into smaller chunks:

Set specific, realistic goals for each study session. Instead of aiming to study for several hours straight, start with smaller goals like studying for 30 minutes without distractions.  

Set achievable goals:

This time management method involves studying or working for a set period, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break. After completing four pomodoros, take a longer break. 

Use the Pomodoro Technique:

 Identify and eliminate distractions in your study environment. Turn off your phone or use apps to block distracting websites. Find a quiet place to study where you can concentrate without interruptions. 

Eliminate distractions:

 Reward yourself for completing study sessions or reaching milestones. Treat yourself to something enjoyable after finishing a challenging assignment or studying for a certain amount of time. Rewards can serve as motivation to stay on track with your studies. 

Reward yourself:

 Studying with a friend or group can help keep you accountable and motivated. Choose study partners who are focused and productive, as they can help keep you on task.  

Find a study buddy or group:

Plan your study sessions in advance and stick to a consistent schedule. Set aside dedicated time each day for studying, and prioritize academic tasks over other activities. Having a structured routine can help establish good study habits and prevent procrastination. 

Create a study schedule:

 Instead of passively reading or highlighting text, engage with the material actively. Take notes, create flashcards, or teach the material to yourself out loud. Active learning techniques promote deeper understanding and retention of the material. 

Use active learning techniques:

Visualize yourself succeeding in your academic endeavors. Imagine achieving your goals and the benefits that come with it, such as improved grades or future opportunities. Visualizing success can boost motivation and help overcome procrastination. 

Visualize success:

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