7 Tips for Creating an Effective Study Space

Floating Market

Experience the unique floating market, where all goods are sold from boats.

Use background noise to stay focused 

Not every student can close the door and have total silence while doing schoolwork. Many of us probably have kids running around, making noise and meeting their  

Stay organized 

Keep all of your supplies in one place and make sure that it stays organized. This does not have to be a desk drawer. It could be something simple and small, like a zipper pouch on the front of your notebook that holds a pencil and your favorite pen. 

Consider the lighting in your space 

Spending hours in front of your computer or staring at your phone screen can strain your eyes, making you feel tired and drained. The bluish light from screens has even been shown to disrupt your sleep patterns–bad news if you are studying right before bed. 

Plan your study sessions 

If you have kids, then you know it’s not always possible to spend a few hours at a time preparing for an important exam. It might be easier to get your studying done in between appointments, while the kids are at school, or after everyone has gone to bed. 

Add inspiration 

What motivates you? What makes you want to conquer the world? Capture the essence of that motivation – in photos, posters, Post-it notes, etc. 

Pick a Study Buddy 

Some people are much more productive when they’re studying with someone else or in a group. Also, if you’re tackling a difficult subject, a partner can help you reach your goals. For this purpose, you might want to join a study group in your class and study together. 

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