User What are Some Simple Science Experiments?

Create a volcano using baking soda and vinegar. Form a cone shape using clay or playdough, make a small hole in the top, add baking soda into the hole, then pour vinegar into the hole, and watch it erupt! 

Homemade Volcano

Pour milk into a shallow dish, add drops of different food coloring to the milk, then dip a cotton swab soaked in dish soap into the milk. 

Rainbow Milk:  

Fill a clear plastic bottle with water and vegetable oil, leaving some space at the top.  

DIY Lava Lamp:  

Use lemon juice as invisible ink. Dip a cotton swab or paintbrush in lemon juice and write a message on a piece of paper. Allow the juice to dry completely.  – Common entrance exams include:

Invisible Ink:  

Rub a balloon against your hair or a piece of fabric to create static electricity. Then, bring the balloon close to small pieces of paper or cereal flakes and watch as they are attracted to the balloon, demonstrating the effect of static electricity. 

Static Electricity Balloon:  

Combine vinegar and baking soda in a Ziploc bag, seal the bag quickly, and watch as the chemical reaction produces carbon dioxide gas, causing the bag to expand and eventually burst with a pop! 

Exploding Ziploc Bag:  

Peel a hard-boiled egg and place it on top of a bottle with a slightly smaller opening. Light a piece of paper on fire and drop it into the bottle, then quickly place the egg on top.  

Egg in a Bottle

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