Roles and Responsibilities of Indian Armed Forces 

Indian Army:  The Army is often deployed to maintain law and order in areas affected by insurgency, terrorism, or other internal security threats. 

Indian Navy:  The Indian Navy is responsible for securing India's maritime interests, including coastal defense, protection of sea lanes of communication, and safeguarding offshore assets. 

Indian Air Force:  The IAF is responsible for the rapid airlift of troops and equipment to various locations, both within the country and for international deployments. 

Joint Operations:  The three branches work in close coordination to execute joint operations, combining their strengths to achieve strategic objectives. 

Nuclear Deterrence:  The country maintains a credible nuclear triad, ensuring the capability to deliver nuclear weapons by land, air, and sea. 

International Peacekeeping:  Indian Armed Forces actively participate in United Nations peacekeeping missions, contributing troops and resources to promote global peace and stability. 

Training and Doctrine Development:  Each branch is responsible for training its personnel and developing military doctrines to adapt to evolving threats and challenges. 

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