Avoid These 7 High-Stress Jobs

Details: Emergency room physicians often face high-pressure situations, dealing with critical and urgent medical cases, unpredictable work hours, and intense decision-making.

Emergency Room Physician:

Details: Air traffic controllers are responsible for managing the safe and efficient movement of aircraft, requiring intense focus and quick decision-making.

Air Traffic Controller:

Details: Stockbrokers and traders work in fast-paced financial markets, where constant market fluctuations and high-pressure decision-making can be stressful.

Travel Blogger/Influencer: 

Details: Corporate lawyers often work long hours, handle high-stakes legal matters, and face intense pressure to meet client expectations and deadlines.

Corporate Lawyer:

Details: Journalists often work in fast-paced, unpredictable environments, facing tight deadlines and sometimes dangerous situations.

News Reporter/Journalist:

Details: Event coordinators manage complex logistics, tight schedules, and numerous details for events, often dealing with unexpected challenges.

Event Coordinator:

Details: Dealing with customer complaints and issues can be emotionally taxing, especially when faced with irate or unhappy customers.

Customer Service Representative:

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