Which Is Better Reading the Newspaper or Watching TV for CLAT 2025? 

When reading the newspaper, you have the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic by reading in-depth articles and analyses. 

Depth of information:  

On the other hand, when watching TV, the information is often presented in a more condensed and simplified manner. Critical thinking.  

Reading the newspaper requires more critical thinking as you have to actively engage with the text, analyze different perspectives, and form your own opinions. 

Critical thinking:

Watching TV may not always stimulate the same level of critical thinking as the information is presented more passively. 

Reading the newspaper can help improve vocabulary, comprehension, and language skills. 

Language skills 

Watching TV may not provide the same level of language enrichment. 

Reading the newspaper allows you to manage your own pace and time while watching TV follows a fixed schedule and may not be as flexible. 

Time management 

Watching TV may lead to more distractions as it is a passive activity while reading the newspaper allows for a more focused and immersive experience. 


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