Top Student Apps for Productivity 

Todoist:  A task management app that helps students organize assignments, projects, and deadlines with features such as due dates, reminders, and priority levels. 


Evernote:  A note-taking app that allows students to capture and organize class notes, research materials, and ideas across various devices, and also offers features for creating to-do lists and setting reminders. 


Forest:  A productivity app that uses gamification to help students stay focused and avoid distractions by planting virtual trees during study sessions, promoting better time management and concentration. 


Trello:  A project management tool that enables students to create boards, lists, and cards to organize and prioritize tasks, collaborate on group projects, and track progress. 


Google Drive:  A cloud-based storage and collaboration platform that allows students to store, share, and collaborate on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets, providing easy access to files from any device. 


Focus@Will:  A music app designed to improve concentration and productivity by providing scientifically optimized music tracks that help students focus during study sessions and reduce distractions. 


Forest:  A time management app that uses the Pomodoro Technique, allowing students to break study sessions into focused intervals with short breaks to maintain productivity and avoid burnout. 


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