10 Things That a JEE Aspirant Should Not Do During the JEE Preparation

Lack of Planning:  Going into your preparation without a clear study plan can result in a scattered approach. 

Ignoring Health: Neglecting your health is a big no. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise, and maintain a balanced diet. A healthy mind and body contribute to better learning.

Overloading with Resources: Don't overwhelm yourself with too many study materials. Stick to a few quality resources and focus on understanding concepts rather than collecting study material.

Skipping Practice:  

Solving a wide range of practice problems and previous year's question papers is crucial. Lack of practice can result in poor time management during the actual exam. 


Studying in complete isolation can lead to doubts going unresolved. Regularly interact with teachers, peers, or online communities to discuss concepts and clarify doubts. 

Underestimating Mock Tests:  

Taking mock tests under timed conditions is essential to simulate the exam environment and improve your pacing and accuracy. 


Avoid procrastination and start your preparation early. Consistent effort is key to success. 

Overburden Yourself 

While it's important to work hard, don't overburden yourself with an excessive study load that leads to burnout. 

Stress and Anxiety: 

 Don't let stress and anxiety take over. While it's natural to feel some pressure, excessive stress can hinder your performance. Practice relaxation techniques to stay calm.

Social Media Distractions: 

Limit your time on social media during the preparation phase. Constant notifications and distractions can break your concentration.

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